Our Story

Blackberry Ridge began with a dream around 2010. Michele and Keith were walking around the neighborhood discussing their intention to buy several acres and build a house.

However, they were starting to realize the benefits of the relationships they had built in their current neighborhood. Keith remembers where he was when the questions arose inside, “What if I didn’t have to choose? What if we could have both community and nature in the same place?”

-Keith Tencleve (Original Developer)

Dreaming Big

This dream brewed inside of Keith and Michele for several years. When they finally started telling friends, everyone repeatedly affirmed the still developing vision. Inevitably, their friends would ask – is it even possible? Keith started studying how it could feasibly work from both an engineering and financial perspective.

Breaking Ground

When they purchased this land in 2018, the land was really raw, so much so that it scared most other buyers away. Fortunately, some friends had heard the vision enough where they were willing to partner with them in an adventure which has led to what you now know as Blackberry Ridge.

So what is with the blackberries?

Blackberries naturally grow in the undergrowth. They are thorny and wild yet also nurturing. On one of the first days Hudson and Keith were working on the land, Keith was tired and feeling overwhelmed when he spotted wild blackberries. After learning they were safe to eat (yes, they are), they found them incredibly nurturing.

Life is hard sometimes. Sometimes it is even overwhelming. Within our lives which are sometimes as messy as where the blackberry plant lives, we hope Blackberry Ridge is for you a place of nourishment similar to what those blackberries were to them that day.

In April 2023, Keith made the decision to entrust the future of Blackberry Ridge to Baumann & Crosno Construction, marking an exciting chapter in the community’s journey. As the new owners, Baumann & Crosno Construction will lead the development of phases 2 and 3 while maintaining the values that make Blackberry Ridge thrive. Our commitment is to showcase nature’s beauty, preserve a strong sense of community, and create an environment that encourages adventure. We will continue building upon these principles, ensuring that Blackberry Ridge remains a welcoming place where residents can create lasting memories.


See For Yourself

Feel free to drive by the area to view for yourself how everything is progressing. Use the link below to send us a message if you have questions.